Sunday, March 21, 2010

smarty pants

we went to the bookstore last night.

to my knowledge, it's really the first time we've taken meghan just to go and look at books.

it's nice that she's old enough now to just enjoy the experience and not have to run in to get what we need and run out.

we didn't realize until we got in the car that it had been three hours and it was now almost 10pm.

such good parents we are...

but we got lost in books and what a place to find yourself.

sean and i take turns with her in the kids section while we browse at the grown up stuff for ourselves.

my find was a book called The Sneaky Chef - a cookbook about whole foods and how to hide them in your kid (and husband's) food. love it and can't wait to try the recipes.

i found myself studying the digital photography books, a book about Buddhism and of course, yoga books. there's a Yoga for Dummies book. um. ahem. i won't judge.

sean browsed the home improvement section and got a book about electric wiring. i'm scared. hold me. god help us all.

meghan browsed every book. every. book. i feel bad for the people who have to clean up the kids section.

she got a nice selection of easter book, barbie book (help me!), snow white, spongebob squarepants (my personal favorite) and some other stuff.

$60 and a sugar cookie was 10pm.

i want to be lost in bookland every day.

and now, my little one feels the same way. i love our time together.

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