Friday, June 25, 2010


feeling kind of blah today - no power last night, up too late at friend's house, too many beers...blah

1. i am grateful for coffee. i realize i say it a lot, but that's because i'm extra grateful for it this morning.

2. i am grateful for my girl having fun with her friend. until she scares the shit out of her telling her friend there are ghosts in her room. super. my girl loves spooky things.

3. i am grateful for it being friday. i can't wait for the farmer's market tomorrow to find some healthy treasures. on my mind this week: eggplant. must have eggplant.

4. i am grateful for the power being back on in my house. maybe a squirrel bit the dust in a transformer or something. sorry squirrel.

5. i am grateful for such a smart, gorgeous girl. i love her singing to her alphabet show. *swoon*

6. i am NOT grateful for the scale being up today. i don't know why i own a scale when it's full of lies. for shame.

7. i am NOT grateful that i haven't gotten my books i ordered or my fitbit yet. i want my stuff.

8. ooh, but i'm super grateful for finding cool new websites and today i found LOOOVVEEE (particularly the apartment section): i heart their stuff and want to buy all of it.

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